Based in Santa Monica in the heart of what is known as Silicon Beach, I have always challenged myself to take on more and more challenging projects to immerse myself in interactive technologies with the simple goal to create immersive experiences that redefine our expectations of reality as we know it. This is the real crucial test that AR & VR technology offer us today. How can we expand and intensify our own reality via immersive technologies? Steve Jobs, the visionary Apple co-founder, said it best when he described what a computer meant to him, “…the computer is the most remarkable tool that we’ve ever come up with. It’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds.” I couldn’t agree more with the late Apple creative genius. Anything is possible when we put our minds to it!


It was a no ‘brainer’ to start such activities by the creation of the tech startup, BrainGoo Studios, who gave me the confidence and expertise to make these experiences a reality for clients throughout the United States and across a multitude of industries. I pursued every project with fanatical dedication and personal attention while investing every ounce of creativity I have to offer the best customized product we could possibly make.  


This experience has taught me strategic thinking, business development, bidding, client interaction and management and working on tight deadlines while delivering a product that goes beyond client expectation.


At BrainGoo Studios, I worked mostly on the Qualcomm Vuforia AR platform while also experimenting with the Metaio SDK / Junaio / Creator (recently acquired by Apple) and an early beta tester on the Daqri 4D Studio AR software solution.